Our History
Seneca Rocks Mountain Guides provided guiding at Seneca Rocks in the North Fork Valley of West Virginia since Tom Cecil opened SRMG in 1988. Operating for over 36 years under Tom's leadership made SRMG by far the longest running climbing guide service in the region under a single owner, and earned SRMG a reputation as one of the most respected guide services
in the country.
Moving forward, Seneca Rocks Mountain Guides will continue to offer the same quality guiding and instruction at Seneca Rocks that we have for the past 30 years, while Tom works to expand opportunities
in the North Fork Valley, and beyond!
Our Philosophy
& Practices
Rock Climbing is a craft. At Seneca Rocks Mountain Guides we believe that the most effective method of acquiring skill in any craft is to learn experientially through the mentor/apprentice relationship. By enrolling in one of
our classes you are initiating this relationship and joining the thousands of other students that have become
our apprentices, friends, and often our climbing partners.
We began our personal climbing at Seneca Rocks in 1973 and through experience, study and training, we have developed an understanding of the information and skills that you
must master to become a successful and safe climber.
Our courses begin with a review of your experiences and goals, and then by guiding you through an evaluation process to determine your current strengths and weaknesses. We then head out to the crag to begin the hands-on process of leading you through various scenarios designed to aid you in developing, or expanding, a foundation of skills.
In an effort to provide you with quality instruction we keep a student to instructor ratio of 3:1 (or better). We also provide all of the necessary climbing equipment for each of our courses.
We encourage students to stay in touch after our courses. Feel free to call or stop by to ask questions, or to practice your skills on our custom anchoring walls. SRMG would like to remain involved in your personal learning process and skill development!