camping & lodging
The Wexler Hut AKA 'The Seneca Suite' at SRMG - on AIR BNB
Once frequented by climbing legend Arnold Wexler, the Wexler Hut is the only indoor lodging offered by Seneca Rocks Mountain Guides. A rustic one room cabin with a single bedroom that sleeps four, the Wexler Hut has a private shower & 2 bathrooms. As a guest of SRMG you will of course have complete access to our beautiful open air kitchen campfire ring and outdoor shower as well. Check Availability on AIRBNB!
The Renovated Barn at Seneca Rocks- Located 4 miles west of Seneca Rocks, unique lodging experience in a real renovated barn. Stay next door to goats, chickens, ducks, peacocks, and a pig. The Barn has everything for a comfortable stay, including private bathroom with hot water, cooking area, and free Wifi. Suitable for up to 2 adults (must be 18 years or older). www.senecarocksbarn.com
Spruce Mountain Cabins
Beautiful cabins in unique locations -highly recommended- The closest are on Timber ridge... 4 miles from Seneca Rocks and some are on the Forest Road as you start up to Spruce Knob. (12 miles from Seneca Rocks).
Ask for Marissa | 304.204.1250 | www.sprucemtncabins.com
Seneca Shadows Campground
Seneca Shadows is the federally owned campground located on the hill overlooking the town of Seneca Rocks. It has all the standard campground amenities in addition to a spectacular view of the rocks. The entrance is located approximately one mile south of Seneca Rocks on Rt. 33/28. Seneca Shadows offers walk-in campsites, single/double vehicle drive in sites with or without electrical hookups, and drive in-group sites (with hookups). Shower and bathroom facilities are provided on site. Reservations are recommended for holiday weekends. 1.877.444.6777 | www.reserveusa.com
Princess Snowbird Campground
Princess Snowbird is a drive-in camping area directly across the road from Seneca Rocks and directly across Seneca Creek from Seneca Rocks Mountain Guides. Bathrooms and shower facilities are provided, and cabins are available for rent. To make reservations call 800-772-8342 or 304-567-2351 or visit www.yokum.com.
Appalachian Cabins and Motel
Located 3 miles north of Seneca on Rt. 28/55. While not in the middle of downtown Seneca Rocks, this is a convenient location that is well kept and competitively priced. 304-567-7070
Harman's North Fork Cabins
Located 5 miles north of Seneca, Harman's North Fork Cabins offers cabins away from the main roads. These cabins sit on a mile of privately managed, catch and release trout stream. www.wvlogcabins.com
Yokum’s Motel/Cabins
Located in the heart of downtown Seneca Rocks and the newest of all rooms in the area. Call 304 567-2626 or 800-772-8342 and specify that you want to stay above the store. You'll also want to specify smoking or non-smoking. 304.567.2626 or 1.800.772.8342 | www.yokum.com